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Askern Moss Road Infant Academy

Askern Moss Road Infant Academy

Curriculum Implementation

Our curriculum reflects national policy by:


The teaching of English is the foundation of our curriculum. We aim for all children to reach and exceed their potential in the key areas of speaking and listening, reading and writing.

There are daily Literacy lessons and discrete sessions set aside for phonics, spelling, punctuation, grammar and handwriting, together with cross-curricular teaching which ensures that our teaching is engaging and meaningful.

We use high quality texts to engage the children, ensure that our learning environments are language-rich and carefully plan to ensure the new curriculum expectations are met. Our intent is for the children to become literate and to develop a love of reading, creative writing and purposeful speaking and listening.

Our practice is underpinned by educational research, including Planning for Early Literacy Development and Literacy in Key Stage One.(EEF publications).


Mathematics is an essential part of everyday life. At Moss Road, we have adopted a mastery approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics. Fundamentally, this rests on the belief that all children can – and, indeed, must – be successful in the study of mathematics. At Moss Road, we do not accept that ‘some people cannot do maths’ or that prior attainment should limit what a child is capable of learning. Mathematics is for everyone at Moss Road.

We plan our learning by designing coherent units of work in the medium term which take into account the relevant mathematical progression. To support us in our long and medium term planning, we currently use the schemes of learning from White Rose Maths from F2 to Y2. Daily maths lessons follow the steps set out in medium term plans, while twice-weekly maths meetings allow for constant coverage of fundamental skills and recap of previous learning.

At Moss Road we believe that the fundamentals of counting and recall are vital for the development of all mathematics skills and so every lesson begins with whole class counting and ‘Flashback four’ (4 recall questions).

Measurement, Geometry and Statistics are taught through topic wherever possible, providing children with engaging stimuli for their maths, and showing them the mathematical links to the real world.

Our practice is underpinned by educational research, including Improving Mathematics in the Early Years and Key Stage One (EEF publications). We also work closely with the South Yorkshire Hub to keep abreast of the latest research, working in teacher research groups. Our calculation policy ensures that staff teach the four operations in a sequential order, building on the small steps laid out through White Rose Maths.

In order to develop children’s mental arithmetic skills we also use the maths app ‘Sumdog’. We believe that speed and accuracy are important and the more facts that children remember, the easier it is for them to do harder calculations. This diagnostic tool allows children to practice their mental maths skills both at home and at school in a fun and challenging programme.


Our science curriculum focuses primarily on providing children with the opportunity to work scientifically through the means of fun, practical experiences in and outside of the classroom. Our delivery of science within Littlemoor, develops a sense of excitement and curiosity, with children being encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes.

In KS1, Science lessons are carefully planned into each medium term plan, linking where possible to the theme of learning or as standalone lessons.

History & Geography

History-led learning experiences are planned for within our topic- based curriculum and feature within long, medium and short term planning.

In KS1, pupils are taught about changes within living memory and about events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally. The pupils are also made aware of significant historical events, people and places in their own locality. The lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements are also introduced to the pupils.

Geography-led learning experiences are planned for and feature within long, medium and short term planning. Geography is taught through practical, appropriate activities which help to provide a context for the children’s learning. Learning will often take place within the local area to make it as meaningful as possible for the children.

Pupils should develop knowledge about the world, the United Kingdom and their locality. They should understand basic subject-specific vocabulary relating to human and physical geography and begin to use geographical skills, including first-hand observation, to enhance their locational awareness.  Pupils will use atlases and maps to name and locate the world’s continents and oceans; they will also name, locate and identify characteristics of the 4 countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom.

Across the humanities, the pupils use skills acquired in English, Maths and Computing to record their findings.

Art, Design & Technology

As the pupils progress through KS1, our art and design curriculum aims to provide pupils with the opportunity to produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences and enabling them to become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques. Pupils will have the opportunity to evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design. They will also know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms


PE is taught as a discrete subject using a scheme entitled Real PE and Real Gym. The fundamental movement skills the children need in order to make progress with everyday physical activities and with specific sporting activities are developed using the physical ABCs-  Agility, Balance and Coordination. A range of other skills including teamwork, self-confidence and belief, creativeness, persistence and communication are also taught through the Real PE cogs.

In F2 and KS1, the children are taught the three areas of physical activity; games, gymnastics and dance. The fundamental movement skills (agility, balance and coordination) are taught through the Real PE and Real Gym schemes of work. All teachers have a curriculum map of which activity to deliver in each week of the academic year.

The Fundamental movement skills (agility, balance and coordination) will be assessed regularly through the use of the Real PE assessment wheel.

Religious Education

The Doncaster Agreed RE syllabus is used as the content guide for Religious Education and is based around three key themes: Believing, Expressing and Living. The Early Years Framework is followed for our EYFS children, focusing on PSED and Understanding the World.  Foundation Stage teach RE through festivals which take place throughout the year, together with a focus on encouraging the children to develop positive attitudes about themselves and their peers.

KS1 RE focuses on Christianity and Islam, but other religions are also introduced.

We have close links with the local church, St Peter’s, with the children visiting the church as part of their RE, and Reverend Franklin delivering special assemblies in school, including our annual Christingle service.

We are beginning to assess against the end of key stage outcomes within the revised RE Syllabus.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

At Askern Moss Road Infant Academy, PSHE education is delivered through cross-curricular work, special events and discrete provision using the Jigsaw programme in the form of a lesson a week.

Jigsaw PSHE brings together Personal, Social and Health education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development through six different half-termly topics. It is a whole-school approach and provides a comprehensive scheme of work from Early Years through to Y2. Jigsaw teaches children to become more resilient as it teaches them how to cope with issues such as body image, cyber and homophobic bullying and internet safety. 2 strands- 1. PSHE learning intention and 2. Emotional/social learning strand.

Our PSHE programme offers many opportunities for the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, as well as contributing to all the strands of the British Values agenda.

Computing & the E-Safety Curriculum

At our school we aim to develop independent learners who are well equipped for their future. Computing skills are an integral part of teaching and learning for all pupils and staff.

The children progress through our computing curriculum, developing their skills in the key areas of :

1.Computer Science  Understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions to create and debug simple programs and use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs.

2.Information Technology Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content. Recognise common uses of information technology beyond.

3. Digital Literacy Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies. 

E-Safety sessions are delivered by class teachers in an age-appropriate way, with e-learning being a planned aspect of PSHE, within Jigsaw lessons. The children take part in Safer Internet Day and assemblies also focus on e-safety throughout the year.

Technology is used in school on a daily basis, and staff are kept u to date with the latest technological advances by the Computing leader and through colleagues within our trust.

Spiritual. Moral, Social and Cultural Development/Fundamental British Values

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development, along with the Fundamental British Values are embedded in all aspects of the curriculum, across all age groups. Key opportunities for the development of SMSC are highlighted on planning; with collective worship, special visits and events also identified.

In addition, every Jigsaw lesson, offers opportunities for SMSC development, and this is clearly mapped and balanced across each year group.

Enrichment of our Curriculum

At Moss Road, we hold themed cross-curricular themed weeks across school, including a Fit and Healthy Week and a Green Week.

First-hand experiences are key for our children’s learning both within and beyond the school site.

We offer opportunities for children to learn outdoors, using our extensive grounds whenever possible to make learning as relevant as possible to our children.

We welcome parents and carers to take part in children’s learning and experiences, from stay and play sessions in nursery to reading workshops in KS1. The children share their learning with parents through assemblies at regular times throughout the year, and always following a school visit.

Family PE sessions are hold during the year (Skip2Bfit).